Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Technology Discussion 5

Technology Discussion 5

Q Investigate the costs of 3 different technologies which could be integrated into your company, or another company or organization with which you are familiar or have researched. Examine different funding models for the technologies. Be sure to include costs of transition and any staffing needs. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

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Last week, I chose food processing and packaging industry, and I want to choose the same organization that process and package food materials. Plus, I would like to talk about the information technology industry (company- Microsoft) regarding the same aspect. In my last discussion I had pointed out that the food processing industry needs technology that can prevent food from getting intoxicated and stricter supervision is required. In connection to this, I think that automation in the existing process can be brought in. machine can inspect in a better way if there in any intoxication in the food or in the materials used.